Tools and technologies

A subset of tooling and technology I have experience operating in production environments. Not an exhaustive list, but some of the more popular technologies.


Over 4 years experience operating Kubenetes clusters in production, serving traffic to millions of users globally. Large amount of experience with the general container ecosystem and related methodologies.


Over 7 years experience running production workloads in AWS using different architectures, from event driven using Lambda to containerised workloads running on EC2.

Working with different CDN platforms, including CloudFlare, to engineer high availability and security at the edge.


Log aggregation with both Elasticsearch and Grafana Loki, shipping prometheus metrics and curating dashboards and alerts routed via Pagerduty from both open source and proprietary solutions, e.g Splunk.


Continuous integration and deployment using several different platforms, including Jenkins and Spinnaker, as well as some AWS native solutions.

Programming languages


func Go() {}

Over 2 years writing projects in Golang, including the following:

  • Kubernetes operators and controllers
  • General platform tooling and automation
  • Microservices using the Echo framework


def python():

Over 7 years writing projects in Python, including the following:

  • General scripting, automation and tooling
  • Microservices using the Flask framework


function bash {}

Over 8 years writing projects in Bash, including the following:

  • General scripting, automation and tooling